Pray More Fret Less
Have you ever heard the expression ‘spinning your wheels’? According to the Cambridge dictionary it means ‘to use a lot of energy without achieving anything’. I know I’ve done a lot of wheel spinning over the years.
When worried we can spend a lot of time thinking about the many possible outcomes of a situation and how to manage those outcomes. Imagine how many hours of time and life are wasted doing this. In the end does it change anything or make you feel better? In most cases it doesn’t.
The Bible in Matt 6:27 asks can you add an hour to your life by worrying? We definitely can’t. Instead we need to cast our cares on God (1 Pet 5:7).
In Phil 4:6 it says to be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving bring our requests to God.
Doing these things is not wasting time. You’re casting your cares to God who won’t be overwhelmed by the weight of those cares. You’re praying to God who is able to fix or change your situation, or fix or change you. You are not spinning your wheels. You are handing the worries over to the one who knows the future, the one who orders your steps if you’ll let Him. So stop spinning your wheels and instead get on your knees.
How will you shine today?